nexus docker repo
nexus 配置太复杂 用 作为 docker registry
docker hosted repo
create repository
- select recipe: docker (hosted)
- name: docker-repo-0
- HTTP: 5001, 仓库单独的访问端口(例如:5001)
- allow anonymous: yes
- Docker Registry API Support> Enable Docker V1 API> Allow clients to use the V1 API to interact with this repository: yes
- Hosted> Deployment policy: Allow redeploy
nexus docker proxy
- Name: dockerhub-proxy
- Remote storage 配置成
- Docker Index 选择 Use Docker Hub
创建一个 Docker Group Repository
勾选 : HTTP, Create an HTTP connector at specified port. Normally used if the server is behind a secure proxy 并填写端口 8083
勾选: Allow anonymous docker pull ( Docker Bearer Token Realm required ),允许不登录执行 docker pull。
Administration>Security>Anonymous Access 勾选 Allow anonymous users to access the server, Realm: 选择 Docker Bearer Token Realm
Administration>Security>Realms: 把Docker bearer token realm 加入 Active
client config
Author -
LastMod 2020-03-14