tunctl is used to set up and maintain persistent TUN/TAP network interfaces, enabling user applications to simulate network traffic. Such interfaces is useful for VPN software, virtualization, emulation, simulation, and a number of other applications.
-t _interface _Specifies the desired interface name.
**-b **Brief output, prints just the interface name
-d _interfacename _Delete the specified interfacename (set it to non-persistent)
-t _interface _Specifies the desired interface name.
-u _user _Specifies the owner of the interface. This user is allowed to attach to the “network/wire” side.
tun/tap 驱动程序实现了虚拟网卡的功能,tun表示虚拟的是点对点设备,tap表示虚拟的是以太网设备,这两种设备针对网络包实施不同的封装。
利用tun/tap 驱动,可以将tcp/ip协议栈处理好的网络分包传给任何一个使用tun/tap驱动的进程,由进程重新处理后再发到物理链路中。
开源项目openvpn ( http://openvpn.sourceforge.net) 和Vtun( http://vtun.sourceforge.net)都是利用tun/tap驱动实现的隧道封装。
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LastMod 2012-03-25