linux mt4
linux mt4
download mt4
MetaTrader 4平台显示的是哪里的时间 ?
MT4服务器显示的是欧洲东部时间 (EET) 。欧洲东部夏令时间比格林尼治时间早3个小时 (GMT+3) ,欧洲东部冬令时间比格林尼治时间早2个小时 (GMT+2) 。
欧洲东部时间 (EET) 于3月最后1个星期日切换至夏令时,于10月最后1个星期日切换至冬令时。
GMT: 0
EET: +3
GMT: 0
EET: +2
How to install Metatrader 4 under Linux!
There is a lot of interest out there in running Metatrader 4 on the Linux platform, however until Metaquotes does a native Linux version, the only option if you want
to do it is to run it under WINE emulation.
What follows is a step by step guide to installing MT4 in Linux. I have used the
excellent Ubuntu distribution for this task.
- Install WINE if it’s not already installed. I used version wine-1.2-rc3 . Please
refer to The Ubuntu Wiki for advanced WINE setup instructions.
- From a valid windows installation, copy over all the fonts into your wine
installation. It assumes you told Ubuntu to mount your windows partition in /windows.
(You really only need webdings and wingdings if you don’t have windows at all. Use
google to find them :))
mount your windows partition to /mnt
- Copy 2 needed mfc4x DLL and msvcp60.dll files from your valid windows installation.
(Again use google to find the DLLs for download if you don’t have windows)
Download mt4setup from FXOpen
Change to the folder where you downloaded it and Install MT4.
- You should now have an icon on your Desktop and a working install of MT4 under Linux!
Please note, in order to set a limit/stop order without an invalid parameters error you
need just to remove the expiry(Uncheck the box under the entry price).
Author -
LastMod 2012-05-17