adb, no permission

在ubuntu(9.10)下执行adb devices命令, 返回的结果是:

List of devices attached

???????????? no permissions

这意味着,USB连接的设备是能够被识别的。Google之后,得知adb server需要以root的权限启动,于是有了如下命令:

brian@brian-laptop:~/Dev/Java/Android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb kill-server

brian@brian-laptop:~/Dev/Java/Android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ sudo ./adb start-server

* daemon not running. starting it now *

* daemon started successfully *

第一条命令用来杀死当前正在运行的server, 第二条命令则以root的权限启动了新的server. 我们可以再次查看devices:

brian@brian-laptop:~/Dev/Java/Android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb devices

List of devices attached

HT848KV04386 device

这次设备就被正确识别了。自然地, 像ddms之类的工具也能派上用场了。


insufficient permissions for device

If you’re developing on Ubuntu Linux, you need to add a rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. Each device manufacturer uses a different vendor ID. The example rules files below show how to add an entry for a single vendor ID (the HTC vendor ID). In order to support more devices, you will need additional lines of the same format that provide a different value for the SYSFS{idVendor} property. For other IDs, see the table of USB Vendor IDs, below.

Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.

add lines below:

HTC 0bb4

SUBSYSTEM=="usb”, SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4”, MODE="0666”

save file, then.

sudo adb kill-server sudo adb start-server sudo adb devices sudo adb install ….apk