linux 下解锁 nexus 7
linux 下解锁 nexus 7
You must have the sdk installed and you are able to access, and use adb and fastboot.
You must have debugging enabled on your Nexus 7.
Download Su here (Chainfire’s thread for supersu) (Thanks Eric_Eric_Eric)
Download CWM here. Scroll down to Nexus 7 and choose whether touch or regular.
To make this easier, you should put the su zip on the sdcard for later.
- In terminal, cd to the directory you have your sdk in. Then cd into platform-tools.
- Type adb push path-to-zip/ /sdcard
Unlocking Your Nexus 7
To unlock your device
cd to platform-tools
Reboot to the bootloader - adb reboot bootloader
Unlock your device* -
fastboot oem unlock
*You will have to accept and erase all the user data on the tablet.
*You must run this as sudo in Linux
Author -
LastMod 2013-03-23