
add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/)

加减乘除: + - × ÷

加+: plus

减-: minus

乘×: times

除÷: divided

不等号和等号: > ≥ < ≤ ≠ = 大于>: is greater than

大于等于 (不小于) ≥: is more than or equal to / is no less than

小于<: is less than 小于等于 (不大于) ≤: is less than or equal to / is no more than 不等于≠: is not equal to 等于=: equals 例句: 1、12+36=48: Twelve plus thirty-six is forty-eight. 2、10-4=6: Ten minus four is six. / Ten minus four equals four. 3、5×5=25: Five times five is twenty-five. 4、20÷4=5: Twenty divided by four is five. 5、5>1: Five is greater than one.

  1. 7+4≥10: Seven plus four is equal to or greater than ten.

  2. 99<100: Ninety-nine is less than one hundred. 8、1≤8: One is less than or equal to eight. / One is no more than eight. 9、1≠0: One is not equal to zero. 分数、小数和百分数英文表达 基数词-序数词 表达分数: 1/2: one half, one second 1/12: one twelfth 3/8: three eighths 9/10: nine tenths 基数词-基数词 表达分数: 1/3: one over three 3/8: three over eight 小数英文表达: 1.5: one point five 0.2: zero point two or point two 6.03 six point o three 百分数英文表达: 33%: thirty-three percent 0.72% zero point seven two percent