ssh-keygen, linux 生成 ssh 密钥
ssh-keygen 是用于为 SSH 创建新的身份验证密钥对的工具。此类密钥对用于自动登录,单点登录和验证主机。 目前广泛的用在 linux 服务验证、git 身份验证上。
执行 ssh-keygen 可以生成一个密钥对, 这个密钥对称为公钥文件和私钥文件 ,例如:
使用 rsa 算法:id_rsa(私钥),公钥) 使用 dsa 算法:id_dsa(私钥),公钥)
在 ~/.ssh 目录下生成私钥 id_rsa 和公钥 文件
print SHA256 fingerprint
public key file: authorized_keys
this command will generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
multiple ssh private keys
by Karanbir Singh
In quite a few situations its preferred to have ssh keys dedicated for a service or a specific role. Eg. a key to use for home / fun stuff and another one to use for Work things, and another one for Version Control access etc. Creating the keys is simple, just use
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/ -C “Key for Word stuff”
Use different file names for each key. Lets assume that there are 2 keys, ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.misc . The simple way of making sure each of the keys works all the time is to now create config file for ssh:
touch ~/.ssh/config chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config echo “IdentityFile ~/.ssh/” » ~/.ssh/config echo “IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.misc” » ~/.ssh/config
This would make sure that both the keys are always used whenever ssh makes a connection. However, ssh config lets you get down to a much finer level of control on keys and other per-connection setups. And I recommend, if you are able to, to use a key selection based on the Hostname. My ~/.ssh/config looks like this :
Ofcourse, if I am connecting to a remote host that does not match any of these selections, ssh will default back to checking for and using the ‘usual’ key, ~/.ssh/id_dsa or ~/.ssh/id_rsa
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LastMod 2011-11-24